Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Convertible Kayak

So the things to do around El Nido is practically hop on a boat and cruise around the Bacuit Archipelago. Wasn’t too keen on joining a tourist guide with one of the organized trips just yet so I took an alternative and rented out a kayak for the day (P800). Now I haven’t used a kayak in years so I didn’t really know how well Id go out there, but fuck it. Just wing it; I know how to swim if the kayak somehow blew up?

Looking at the map Id be clocking up some miles with the places I intended to check out, id see how id go through the day I guess. I was cruising smoothly along my paddle, it was a bit overcast but the water was still clear and not that bumpy. Being out on your own, without the noise of an engine boat or having a companion with you in this environment is just awesome. Those photos above don’t do justice to the scale and beauty of this place. I was in constant awe every turn I took.

Through the journey I found some deserted beach spots where id walk around checking out the eco-system and trying to find young coconuts to drink and eat. After a good three hours of paddling around I would find another beach spot have my “packed lunch” (packet of chips and a bottle of water) and then enjoy a peaceful snooze under a coconut tree. Anyways for the rest of the day id paddle around islands and even checked out this amazing lagoon tucked away in this little bypass of an island. With the towering limestone cliffs and the aqua coloured water, it was seriously a sight to see!

Now the trip back home was a bitch of a ride. I would have probably clocked up a good 14kms and still had to head back home, which was about 7 or 8kms away. My arms were starting to ache, I was running out of water and it wasn’t helping having to deal with the bumpy seas and the stupid current constantly changing my direction. Oh and I had fucked up my Blackberry as I was using it for tunes. Bit of water kinda got on it and it shat itself. Anyways with only a few hundred meters to go I was nearly there! I remember yelling out to the ocean to “Go fuck yourself”, that I had won! Floating there I took in the scenery for one last time, then I heard this splashing sound, I looked around and from the distance I saw some sort of flying fish coming straight at me and it didn’t look like it was ready to stop. Squealing like a bitch I grabbed my paddle and did a Sir Donald Bradman and blocked that sucker from sinking my battle ship. I guess this was the oceans reply from my “Go fuck yourself” comment. I later did some research on what type of fish it was and seems to be some sort of barracuda?

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