Monday, September 5, 2011

I fucking hate you, Jollibee.

I am now in Puerto Princesa, Palawan. For the last three days, I have had to say my goodbyes to the beautiful, friendly people of Siargao Island. A shout out to Dom, the locals, the friendly dudes in the surf, and the welcoming hospitality at Ocean 101, thanks for the good times! Since my departure, I caught a plane to Cebu for the night and stayed with two Aussie lads who I met only two nights prior to my departure at the resort I was staying. I had no clue where I was going to stay in Cebu, so when the guys offered me the chance to stay with them, I took it.

The plane trip to Cebu was a scenic one. Flying over all the tropical islands was stunning. I was a bit pissed off when I pulled out my SLR to take some pics of the islands and my battery went dead. I had to make do with my trusty blackberry phone. When we arrived at the airport, we caught a taxi to the hotel, which was suggested by one of the locals back at the resort. I can’t remember the name of the hotel, but it was situated near the somewhat center of the city. It was a nice, clean hotel, but we learnt a lesson that night: don’t ask for a room with a window if you know the hotel is situated in busy streets or else you're going to get some douchebag yelling repetitive calls just outside your window. Anywho, my time in Cebu was very short and I didn’t really get up to much. The guys wanted to get some shopping done, so we headed to SM which is the Philippines' main large shopping mall. Once we got the shopping done and dusted, we bought a bottle of Tanduay Rhum, had a few drinks at the apartment, and eased off to bed. I had to leave at eight the next morning. Again, I said my farewells and safe travels to the lads and headed to the airport for Palawan.

I arrived in Puerto Princesa at about 11:00am; I’ve been here before, so I was a bit familiar with the roads and where things were, which felt good for once. Got a tricycle to a little hotel called Lola Intang, which is just situated off the main road, so it was close to the shops and just far enough from the noise. Now, being in a new place, I knew I'd have to make new friends like I did back at Siargao, so that night I walked down the main street and stopped over at this little cool reggae-influenced bar (it had a tricky name, I cant remember it). After having a beer or two, I started talking to this chick, Kat. She was from Canada and was on her last leg of her journey from travelling around the globe. She and her friends invited me to join them to some bar, “Katabom,” just down the road for some live music. I thought "why not?", and glad I didn’t say no. Had a blast of the time. The live music at the bar was radtacular. Kat and I tried to figure out what style of music it was and just named it “Local Reggae”. Anyway, got drunk and the way home went to Jollibee, which is like McDonalds in the western world, and I shouted everyone a burger meal 'cause it costs peanuts here.

By the power of Greyskull, did I feel like shit the next day! It wasn’t really the hangover that got me, but I think the food from Jollibee was a bit dodgy. My body was broken, so I spent most of the whole day in bed trying my best to recover. I’ve written this the day after my little road trip to hell and back and I’m feeling a lot better! I’ve booked my transportation for El Nido the next day, a six to eight hour trip, so between then and now, I’m just going to take it easy and make sure I feel at least 80% for tomorrow’s adventures.

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