Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Dom, one the many friendly locals, invited us to go check out the town's cockfighting. I didn’t know what to expect, just a bunch of locals gathering around some hut seeing whose cock was tougher.

Well, I was wrong! It was heck of a gathering. When I arrived, all the locals gathered around comparing there, umm, cocks, on size, I guess. I thought they were going to fight on the spot, but then I was taken to the actual ring. It reminded me a bit of a UFC ring, just not so modern, more “barnyard” like, though I was pretty impressed with the setup. From here shit got loud. I’m not sure if this is correct, though from what I tried to figure out - the other travellers didn’t really understand either - once the cocks come into the ring, the crowd start to shout out, yelling out what the odds should be between the two cocks. After a good five minutes of watching people going bat shit, they finally come to a decision on the price margin between the two. During this time, the “trainers” stir up their cocks, taunting their opponent by letting them get close to each other and then letting them lightly bite each other while they are held. Gives them a taste of blood before the bout! Just before they begin, they attach this little sharp blade on the back of their legs so the bout doesn’t take so long for one to kill the other. A good karate kick to the opponent and the cock is down. Once the match begins, the crowd starts chanting, and shit gets brutal. I’m not into the whole blood sport, especially if there's animals involved, but shit it's interesting.

Later that night, Dom and some of the locals took us out into town (GL) had some dinner and got on the Tanduay Rhum with a mixture of karaoke. It was a great drunken episode for me and I’m sure my friends back home are happy they weren’t around. I was ruined the next day and spent most of my time floating in the water and watching movies on my Mac. The locals were right; Tanduay Rhum really can knock you out.

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