Saturday, August 27, 2011

Kadayawan Festival!

I was lucky enough to be around for the Kadwyan Festival, supposedly king of all festivals in the Philippines. Well, that’s what their tag line said on the shirts. With the festival in Davao, I headed back to the city for the weekend it was held. I could tell the city was in festival mode with the louder nightlife (our neighbour was cranking the karaoke machine till four in the morning) and the decorations in the streets. The street parade was pretty cool with all the colourful tribes around the Philippines performing in front of judges for a placing in the competition. I noticed there were HEAPS of other photographers out there, walking through the parade, carrying some serious gear just to get that one shot. I later found out that the city was hosting some massive photography conference, so a lot of big name Filipinos were out in the parade.

I was supposed to have a “media pass” to have access to take snaps inside the parade, but the security seemed to not care that much, they just made sure the crowd would give room for the performers and floats to pass through the streets. I said "Screw this. I’ve got an Aussie passport; that’s my media pass." So like a Bawss, I got in there and tried to make use of the 35mm lens I had in my camera. Also, I’m pretty sure I was on TV, 'cause I eventually just walked with the performers into the main section where the judges and the cameras were - that was definitely a media access only area.

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